Academic Cost Accounting

The Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board is required by A.C.A. § 6-61-222 to submit a report each biennium to the Joint Interim Committee on Education that uses a uniform means of reporting total revenues, expenditures, general revenue subsidy, and productivity by academic department and program for each state-assisted institution of higher education, and of identifying undergraduate and graduate programs that produce fewer graduates than the number required to meet AHECB degree productivity standards (an average of 3 graduates per year over five years for undergraduate programs, 2 graduates per year for master’s programs, and 1 graduate per year for doctoral programs).

FY2009-10 - Executive Summary
FY2007-08 - Executive Summary
FY2005-06 - Executive Summary
FY2003-04 - Executive Summary
FY2001-02 - Executive Summary