ADHE Acronym List




AAAssociate of Arts 
AAAcademic Affairs 
AASAssociate of Applied Science 
AASISArkansas Administrative Statewide Information System 
AATAssociate of Arts in Teaching 
ABEAdult Basic Education 
ACAdvanced Certificate 
ACCArkansas Community Colleges
ACSNTAcademic Challenge- Nontraditional Option
ACSTAcademic Challenge- Traditional Option
ACTAmerican College Testing
ACTSArkansas Course Transfer System
ADAAmericans with Disabilities Act 
AGSAssociate of General Studies 
AHECBArkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board 
AHEISArkansas Higher Education Information System 
AIRAssociation for Institutional Research
AIROArkansas Institutional Research Organization
AMPSArkansas Math Pathways for Success
AMPTArkansas Math Pathways Taskforce
APAdvanced Placement 
ARFUTUREArkansas Future Grant
ARHEGArkansas Health Education Grant
ASAssociate of Science 
ASLASAssociate of Science in Liberal Arts & Sciences 
ATAAArkansas Transfer and Articulation 
AWCWorkforce Challenge Scholarship
AWDBArkansas Workforce Development Board 
BABachelor of Arts 
BASBachelor of Applied Science 
BLRBureau of Legislative Research 
BSBachelor of Science 
BSNBachelor of Science in Nursing 
CAELCouncil for Adult and Experiential Learning 
CAOChief Academic Officer 
CAPRCenter for the Analysis of Postsecondary Readiness
CCA Complete College America 
CCNCommon Course Numbering 
CCSConcurrent Challenge Scholarship
CGSCertificate of General Studies 
CIPClassification of Instructional Programs (codes) 
COACost of Attendance  
CoVCredentials of Value 
CPCertificate of Proficiency 
CPICareer Pathways Initiative
CSAOChief Student Affairs Officer 
CTCCareer Technical Center 
CTECareer Technical Education 
DESEDivision of Elementary and Secondary Education 
DFADepartment of Finance and Administration 
DHSDepartment of Human Services
DOBDate of Birth 
DWSDivision of Workforce Services
EASTEnvironmental and Spatial Technology
EdDDoctor of Education 
EdSSpecialist in Education/Education Specialist 
EETFEducational Excellence Trust Fund 
EFCEstimated Family Contribution 
ESLEnglish-as-a-Second Language 
ETPEligible Training Provider 
ETSEducational Testing Service
FAFSAFree Application for Federal Student Aid 
FERPAFamily Educational Rights and Privacy Act 
FOIAFreedom of Information Act 
FTEFull-Time Equivalent 
GCGraduate Certificate 
GDSGovernor's Distinguished Scholarship
GEDGeneral Equivalency Diploma 
GHETSGovernor's Higher Education Transition Scholarship
GSGovernor's Scholars Program
HBCUHistorically Black College or University 
HEIHigher Education Institution 
HLCHigher Learning Commission
HSIHispanic Serving Institution 
ICACInstitutional Certification Advisory Committee
IDEAIndividuals with Disabilities Education Act
IHEInstitution of Higher Education 
IPEDSIntegrated Postsecondary Education Data System
IRInstitutional Research 
ISIRInstitutional Student Information Record 
JFFJobs for the Future
LDSLongitudinal Data System 
LEOLaw Enforcement Officer's Dependents Scholarship
LERLearner Employment Record 
LMILabor Market Information  
LOILetter of Intent 
LONLetter of Notification 
MAMaster of Arts 
MATMaster of Arts in Teaching 
MDRCManpower Demonstration Research Corporation 
MDSMilitary Dependents Scholarship
MEdMaster of Education 
MMAMultiple Measure Assessment
MOAMemorandum of Agreement  
MOFMethod of Finance 
MOUMemorandum  of Understanding 
MPNMaster Promissory Note 
MSMaster of Science 
MSIMinority Serving Institution 
NCESNational Center for Education Statistics 
NCRCNational Career Readiness Certificate
NDCNon-degree Credential 
NGANational Governor's Association
NSCNational Skills Coalition 
NSCNational Student Clearinghouse
NSFNational Science Foundation
OJTOn-the-Job Training 
ONETOccupational Informational Network
OOSOut-Of-State Veterinary Medical Education Loan Repayment
OSDOffice of Skills Development 
PCEPrivate Career Education 
PhDDoctor of Philosophy 
PLAPrior Learning Assessment 
PLCPrior Learning Credit 
Ps & CsPresidents & Chancellors 
PSLFPublic Service Loan Forgiveness  
PSIsPostsecondary Institutions 
PSRPersonal Services Request 
RARegistered Apprenticeship  
RAPIDSRegistered Apprenticeship Partners Information Database System 
RFPRequest for Proposal 
RFQRequest for Qualifications 
ROMSRural Osteopathic Medicine Scholarship 
RSARevenue Stabilization Act 
RTIRelated Technical Instruction (for apprenticeship) 
RWDBRegional Workforce Development Board 
SAI Student Aid Index 
SAMSScholarship Application Management System
SAPSatisfactory Academic Progress 
SARStudent Aid Report  
SARAState Authorization Reciprocity Agreement 
SATScholastic Aptitude Test
SLDSState Longitudinal Data System 
SOCStandard Occupational Classification (codes) 
SREBSouthern Regional Education Board
SSCHStudent Semester Credit Hours 
SSNSocial Security Number 
SSSStudent Support Services 
SStFStrong Start to Finish
STEMScience Technology Engineering and Math 
STEPState Teacher Education Program
TACTeacher Academy Scholarship Program 
TANFTemporary Assistance for Needy Families 
TCTechnical Certificate 
TEMSTravel and Expense Management System 
TOPTeacher Opportunity Program
TRiOUpward Bound, Talent Search, Student Support Services (not an acronym) 
WCSWashington Center Scholarship
WIOAWorkforce Innovation and Opportunity Act