Administrator's Compensation Survey
In accordance with A.C.A. § 6-63-316, the Administrator's Compensation Survey details the salaries and benefits of the employees of the state's institutions of higher education that earn more than $100,000 per year. This information is compiled by the Division of Institutional Finance. If you have any questions about this data, you may contact Sarah Rogers by email at
Archive of Administrator's Compensation Surveys
Annual Operating Budgets
An institution's annual operating budget outlines a detailed account of the revenues and expenditures expected in the coming fiscal year. Budgets are approved by the Board of Trustees of the institutions in spring prior to the budgeted year.
Archive of Annual Operating Budgets
Arkansas Academic Cost Accounting
The Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board is required by A.C.A. § 6-61-222 to submit a report each biennium to the Joint Interim Committee on Education that uses a uniform means of reporting total revenues, expenditures, general revenue subsidy, and productivity by academic department and program for each state-assisted institution of higher education, and of identifying undergraduate and graduate programs that produce fewer graduates than the number required to meet AHECB degree productivity standards (an average of 3 graduates per year over five years for undergraduate programs, 2 graduates per year for master’s programs, and 1 graduate per year for doctoral programs).
Archive of Arkansas Academic Costs Accounting
Budget Recommendation Manuals
The Higher Education Coordinating Board recommends the budgets and personal services to the state legislature as outlined in the Budget Recommendation Manuals. These Manuals are prepared by the Institutional Finance division in anticipation of the legislative sessions that begin in January of each year.
Archive of Budget Recommendation Manuals
Factbook on Arkansas Higher Education
This publication provides governmental and higher education decision-makers a statewide perspective of Arkansas public higher education finance for each biennium, as well as trends for the past several years. It also contains a detailed financial profile of each institution and presents a basis for comparative assessments of revenue sources and expenditure patterns.
Archive of Higher Education Factbooks
Financial Conditions Report
The purpose of this report is to describe the financial condition as well as the difficulties and challenges experienced by Arkansas’s Public Institutions of Higher Education. These difficulties and challenges have been brought on by a number of competing, and often conflicting demands: fluctuations in enrollments; lagging, and even declining, state support; increasing public and political pressure to hold tuition down; underprepared students; and students who come to college with the expectations of new amenities and programs from the institutions.
Archive of Financial Condition Reports
Institutional Appropriation Acts
Institutional Appropriation Acts
Institutional Finance Presentations
Series 17 Financial Reports
The Series 17 report collects financial data for each public institution of higher education. This report is assembled each fall.
Tuition and Mandatory Fee Charts
This chart displays tuition and fees for each of Arkansas's Public Institutions of Higher Education as collected in the Series 18 report. This report is assembled each summer.