Academic Affairs Reports

Remediation Reports

The Annual Report on First-Year Student Remediation includes analysis for the entering freshman class for each academic year with 5-year trend data. Presented to the Coordinating Board as an information item. 

Program Status Change Reports

A report detailing program status changes during the academic year indicates the number, level, and type of programs that were changed. An academic program’s status can be one of six possible values: active, active future, inactive, future inactive, delete, phase-out/delete. The information will also be summarized by institution. This report was previously called the report on academic program deletions. 

Concurrent Enrollment Reports

The annual report on Concurrent Enrollment and Credit focuses on the state of concurrent education among Arkansas postsecondary institutions in each academic year and includes comparison data for the past 5 years. Concurrent enrollment allows students to obtain credit toward a high school diploma at the same time they earn college credit.

Program Viability Reports

The Program Viability Report includes ADHE Executive Staff Recommendations presented for Coordinating Board consideration of continuation or discontinuation of non-viable programs.  

Program Review Reports

A summary report on academic programs reviewed presented to the coordinating board. 

Out of State Institutions Enrollment Reports

A summary report on Arkansas student enrollment at institutions outside of Arkansas.