2019 Annual Status Report for Sexual Assault Prevention


Submitted by Ann Clemmer, Senior Associate Director, on behalf of Director Maria Markham, Arkansas Division of Higher Education. 
Senator Missy Irvin, Chair, Senate Committee on Public Health, Welfare, and Labor Committee
Representative Jeff Wardlaw, Chair, House Committee on Public Health, Welfare, and Labor Committee.
Senator Jane English, Chair, Senate Committee on Education
Representative Bruce Cozart, Chair, House Committee on Education

Under Act 563 of 2017, the Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board was directed to develop an action plan to address the prevention of sexual assault on college and university campuses and to submit annual reports on implementation by November 1 to the Arkansas General Assembly via the House and Senate Education Committees and the House and Senate Public Health, Welfare and Labor Committees.

The Division of Higher Education of the Department of Education has collected the annual campus status reports for the 2018-2019 academic year, as required by the legislation. We received reports from all campuses. 

The legislative requirements for the action plan direct Arkansas public colleges and universities: 

1) To incorporate sexual assault prevention into advising and student orientation; 
2) To integrate information into academic courses as appropriate;
3) To identify opportunities to raise awareness and provide resources for sexual assault prevention across the entire student population;
4) To identify available grants and partnerships to assist with the work;
5) To collaborate with sources for access to care; and
6) To identify other topics or issues relating to the prevention and reduction of sexual assault.

As the issue of sexual assault has unfolded before the nation the last couple of years, one response has been a growing number of national campaigns that are aimed at improving awareness on college and university campuses. Several Arkansas colleges and universities utilized the resources from these various campaigns to engage students and improve awareness: The Red Flag Campaign (, Walk a Mile in her Shoes Campaign (, Bystander Intervention Training (part of several different campaigns), What You Were Wearing, “No More” Campaign (, as well as the Clothesline Project (, were listed by multiple campuses as part of their efforts to prevent sexual assault by educating students about the issue. Campuses also took advantage of the designated month of April as Sexual Assault Prevention month to schedule activities. A small sample of other campus activities follows below. Links to the selected reports and to the national campaigns used in Arkansas will be posted on the Division of Higher Education website (

Arkansas State University – ASU’s sexual assault awareness includes ongoing programming for the campus community that includes teal ribbon giveaways, test your knowledge activities, programs on “Textual Harassment” and pledge cards. In addition, assault prevention programs are presented to residence halls and other on-campus resident students including fraternities and sororities each semester. 

Arkansas Tech University – 1,618 new undergraduate students completed Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates for the fall 2018 semester and 139 completed the course in spring 2019. In addition, 12 educational programs were offered via On Track program by various campus departments and registered student organizations. A list of some of the programs are as follows: Sexual Assault Awareness Rally, Sexual Assault Awareness Month Table on April 1, 9, 17 and 23, Consent and Healthy Relationships Workshop, Combatting Rape Culture.

University of Arkansas – The University of Arkansas participated in the “Its On Us” Week which is a cultural movement aimed at fundamentally shifting the way we think and talk about sexual assault.  In addition, yearly events the University of Arkansas Housing participates in “No Woman Left Behind” which focuses on sexual assault prevention. (This is another national campaign with good resources for campuses.)

Black River Technical College – Black River presented programming in courses and programs which are predominantly female to build confidence and leadership skills. A sexual assault response and prevention team was developed and led by the Dean of Students. High risk areas and times were identified with the aid of campus police. At risk populations were identified. 

North Arkansas College - Northark is partnering with the Ozark Rape Crisis Center to provide table top presentations to students on campus as well as additional training presentations on campus. Northark also utilized the Reach Out app. A novel approach connecting with students in need to resources and people ready to help.