Government Relations & Special Projects

Arkansas Department of Higher Education welcomes Complete College America to Arkansas Friday, March 10th.  Representatives from over 25 colleges and universities will join in a conversation regarding promoting students to take 30 credit hours a year so that they may graduate on time.  

Arkansas' video:



The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation

Arkansas Department of Higher Education was honored to host The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation on January 20, 2017 with representatives from many colleges and universities to listen and discuss the W.K. Kellogg Foundation's Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship.  

With a focus on STEM education, the Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowships provide prospective teachers with the academic preparation, expensive clinical experience, and mentoring necessary to succeed in the classroom.  

Preventing Unplanned Pregnancies on Arkansas College and University Campuses

During the 90th General Assembly Regular Session of 2015, House Bill 1534 was passed becoming Act 943 which requires the Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board to develop an action plan to address the prevention of unplanned pregnancy.  In collaboration with designees from public universities and community colleges, a working group was formed, co-chaired by Lynnette Watts of Women's Foundation of Arkansas and Angela Lasiter of Arkansas Department of Higher Education, to craft an action plan that was presented to the Legislative Council in November 2015 and will be monitored annually.

Below are documents for your review:

Interview with Angela Lasiter by the Chronicle of Higher Education on this work taking place in Arkansas and also Mississippi who were the first in the nation to have legislation of this nature (Arkansas being second)PDF
Act 943 which sets forth the requirements of the working group, the Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board and all Arkansas public colleges and universities.PDF
Action Plan by the Act 943 Working Group to prevent unplanned pregnancies among 18 and 19 year old Arkansas college and university students.WORD
Interview with Angela Lasiter by Stateline Newsource affiliated with Pew Charitable Trust.  PDF
KARK TV story on the March 3, 2016 summit on preventing unplanned pregnancies with the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancies.WEB
Presentation that was given by Angela Lasiter at the Preventing Unplanned Pregnancies Summit March 3, 2016 at the Clinton School of Public Service.PPT
The Arkansas State Board of Nursing June Journal featured the work of the Arkansas Campaign to Prevent Unplanned Pregnancy written by Angela Lasiter, Maddie Parrish and Dr. Roger Guevara from SAU. WEB
The completed first video addressing the prevention of unplanned pregnancies for all two and four year students in higher education.WEB
New website for the Arkansas Campaign to Prevent Unplanned Pregnancy:  www.youractionplanar.comWEB
College of the Ouachitas just completed their Fall 2016 Orientation with 105 students in attendance watching the Preventing Unplanned Pregnancy video.PHOTO


Questions? Contact the Government Relations and Special Projects Staff.